Curriculum Vitae

Like everything to do with AOSB your CV is important, fortunately you can write up your CV at your leisure so take your time to get it right but don’t leave it to the 11th hour. With your CV it is your chance to make a great impression without the board seeing you. Always, ALWAYS, ALWAYS have it proof read before submitting it. Ask one of the officers at your unit or your YODA and if you are still struggling to find someone to help get in touch with the RA ResPO KX via the contact page.

Hints & Tips

  • Your CV is the first view the directing staff will form of you and it will be the basis of your interviews. It is important that you sell yourself but be honest.

  • Ensure your grammar and spelling is correct; have someone proof read your CV for you. You might want to approach your YODA or a member of your Unit to review.

  • Lecturette topics will be selected from your CV so if you can't stand up and talk about something in your CV for 5 minutes, ask yourself is it worth including. This also means you can prepare some likely topic material ahead of time as it may well come up.

  • The CV is a standard form irrespective of your age and so some elements maybe less relevant depending on your experiences.

  • You are applying for a job as a leader. Emphasise those areas where you have experience in leading/managing/coaching/mentoring/supporting others.

  • Talk about examples of your personal courage, resilience and overcoming adversity.

  • Talk about positions of responsibility ie school governor, youth leader, treasurer in a university society.

  • If you don't include elements of your life in your CV, the directing staff won't know to ask you about them.

  • Practice talking through your CV with a one-to-one interview.

  • Use the full word count.

  • Be authentic when you talk about your strengths and weaknesses.

  • Use pithy and expressive language. Don’t use two words when one will do.

  • Focus on what you did and why you did it.

  • Read and answer the question.


An AOSB CV template and example CV can be froun in the document vault.