Practical Ability
Definition of Practical: of or concerned with the actual doing or use of something rather than with theory and ideas.
Definition of Ability: possession of the means or skill to do something.
You will be assessed on your practical ability at ASOB, mainly this is achived through the Command Tasks but also the Opening & Closing Races.
Practical Skills
At Briefing you will be taught the skills you need for to the command tasks:
Improvised gap crossing is an essential skill, learn these knots to help lash planks together and extend ropes:
Clove Hitch
Reef (or Square) Knot
Round Lashing
Square Lashing
Get used to keeping your balance while walking along a plank on the ground or on a low wall.
Learn about basic cantilevers and the ratios for people for a cantilever (3:1).
Use ropes to pull people as well as objects up!
Covid 19 Changes
Due to Covid-19 the way in which comand tasks are run has changed. Find out more about how Covid changes to Officer selection by heading to the Covid-19 page.
When it is your turn to comand or during the group command tasks use SMEAC to effectly communicate your plan with your syndicate.
Explain the scenario.
"Our task is to resupply the patrol on the opposite bank with ammunition"
What is the objective of the scenario and rules
"Our mission is to cross the obsicals ingrount of us, we can not touch the ground and only touch the green marked obiscals. Any equipment used must be brought with us."
Tell your syndicate how you plan to complete the task and allocate jobs to the team. If you are struggling to come up with a plan ask your syndicate for suggestions. Take the best one, own it and make it the plan.
"To cross the gab 12 & 13 will tie the planks togeather using rope, 14 will carry the ammunition, 15 you are my time keeper and 16 you are my rule keeper."
Ask questions
Opertunity for Team memebers to clairfy the plan.
"Is everyone clear on the Briefing? Dose anyone have any questions?"
Check for understanding
Confirm understanding of your plan and indevidual roles with your syndicate.
"Dose every one understand the task and what they have to do?"
Hints & Tips for Practical Tasks
Give good ideas
Think ahead to the 2nd and 3rd order effects of your actions
Think the task through, how you are going to complete the task?
Time is against you so keep the momentum going, create a sense of urgency and push the group forward.
Have 2x Timekeepers
Self-nominate as the timekeeper at the start of each task
Get a watch that has a stopwatch function and know how to use it.
Always act with a sence of urgency, regardless if you run out of time or the orginal plan dosn't work.
Play problem solving games that require you to think ahead. Chess or Rush Hour are great examples and you can play them on your phone!